Monday, August 24, 2020

All about russia Free Essays

string(68) upheavels prompted the â€Å"era of stagnation† in the 1980s. Each general public on the planet with its embolic forces of conjunction with the nature’s changes and society’s choppiness is consistently moving towards development and advancement for guaranteeing the support for the age straightaway. This ordinary component of the Society is its Character by which it is perceived. This Character is additionally controlled by the connection of conventional culture, its Land and its social and political propensities, which since hundreds of years are delving further roots in the cognizance of the residents and their scholarly demeanor towards life and society. We will compose a custom paper test on About russia or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now In 989 when St. Vladimir acknowledged Christianity, Russia ventured out to assume control over the legacy of Constantinopole. Again in 1453, when New Rome of Constantinopole had tumbled to Turks, Moscow developed as a â€Å"Third Rome† and the Soviet Union subsequent to taking its own course turned into another blend of the argument of history and its Duke turned into the â€Å"Tsar of All the Russians†. The historical backdrop of Russia starts with the East Slavs, an ethnic gathering, which was in the long run part into Russia, Ukrainian and Belarusians. This gathering rose up out of the Vikings who were the savage clans and uneducated agnostics enjoyed the movement of assaulting and looting, yet they were innovatively very progressed and had stable authoritative set up. These Vikings entered the Black ocean through the Russian stream frameworks known as â€Å"Varangians† (from their name in Slavic, presently Varyag in Russian), yet when they settled in the zone, they came to be known as Rus. Essential Chronicle even says that, â€Å"These specific Varangians were known as Russes. † (Ross, Successors of Rome: Russia, 862-Present, Grand Princes of Kiev, Para. 1). Kievan Rus was the primary East Salvic express that was changed over to Christianity in 988(Online, Russian Church Architecture) and they carried with it the Cyrillic letter set, which got genuineness by the Soviet Union alongside the other random dialects like the Turkish of Central Asia. Poland and the Baltic States brought Latin letters in order attribute of Francia and the Jews of Poland composed Yiddish in the Hebrew letter set. What's more, with the progressing time, the little countries of the Caucasus like the Armenians and Georgians began utilizing their own letter sets. (Ross, Successors of Rome: Russia, 862-Present, Introduction, Para. 2) After the thirteenth century, Moscow turned into the tremendous social community and by eighteenth century, the Grand Duchy of Moscow framed the gigantic Russian Empire, extending from Poland towards the Pacific Ocean. By nineteenth century, advancement in the Western Countries made a fantastic effect on the Russia, which drove Russian system to clear the path for changes for the general development and improvement. Subsequently, Russian serfdom was annulled in 1861 however it end up being pointless for the laborers that prompted the structure of progressive weights. With the abolishment of Serfdom and the start of World War I in 1914, Russia saw various changes in the economy and legislative issues. The most conspicuous change was the change of Stolypin agrarian changes, which moved the ancient obshchina type of Russian horticulture towards increasingly dynamic and entrepreneur arranged type of agribusiness, giving private proprietorship rights to the ranchers, second was the First constitution of 1906 which was otherwise called essential laws and was authorized on April 23rd, thirdly there was the foundation of State Duma. A State duma comprised one of the few delegate congregations of current Russia. These changes achieved various changes in economy and even in the legislative issues of Russia, yet at the same time the absolutist standard of the Tsars didn't evaporate totally and the outcome was the Russian Revolution in 1917. There were two unrests in Russia: First Revolution was the toppling of the Tsar and arrangement of the Provisional Government and the other was the October upset in which Bolsheviks ousted the Provisional Government. The life in Russia during Revolution saw the monstrous change and vulnerability. On one hand urban communities and ventures were mushrooming though then again there was incredible degree of vulnerabilities. Country populace started to relocate increasingly more towards the Industrially focused territories, working class of cushy representatives, businesspeople, and experts like specialists, legal counselors, educators, writers, engineers, and so on were on the ascent. Nobles also were experiencing through various stages, discovering approaches to modify themselves in this evolving economy. Two kinds of classes rose proletarians and business people, who were partitioned along the lines of status, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, and conviction. There was development of various gatherings moving laborers, specialist learned people, nobility experts and so on which changed the entire surface of the life of individuals instilling themselves into the universe of realism. This fast industrialization prompted the congestion of the urban zones and poor conditions for urban modern specialists. Another working class was shaped somewhere in the range of 1890 and 1910 because of the expansion in the number of inhabitants in the St Petersburg and Moscow from 1,033,600 to 1,905,600. Therefore there was distress wherever which was the ground enough for the Russian transformation to fuel. The Russian unrest brought the alliance of dissidents and moderate communists to control from one perspective and afterward Communist Bolsheviks on the other. Somewhere in the range of 1922 and 1991, there was the start of the new time throughout the entire existence of Russia when Soviet Union appeared, an association that held the foundations of ideological musings and discernments. The start of the post-Stalinist in 1919’s saw the development of media and intercession of TV and radio projects in its region, which prompted the genuine arousing among the Russians in all the social, political and monetary circles. Stalinism with this Marxism and Leninism approach supplanted the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the year 1920 with Five Year Plans of 1928 and aggregate cultivating, which before the finish of 1930 drove the Soviet Union to be risen as the major Industrial force on the planet, however this had antagonistic impact on the laborers because of the aggregate strategy and the oppressive proportions of the Government. The constraints and political, social and efficient upheavels prompted the â€Å"era of stagnation† during the 1980s. You read About russia in classification Papers But by the late 1980s, the shortcomings in the financial and political structures drove the Communist chiefs to set out upon the significant changes, bringing about the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the development of the Russian Federation. By the mid of 1990 when Yeltsin came to control he received most disagreeable Yegor Gaidar’s stun treatment for stopping the value controls, cutting in state spending, and beginning of the open remote exchange system mid 1992. These changes were the hit to the expectations for everyday comforts of the vast majority of its residents, particularly for the gatherings who were getting a charge out of the advantages of Soviet-time state-controlled wages and costs, state sponsorships, and government assistance privilege programs and subsequently Russia endured a monetary downturn considerably more extreme than the United States or Germany had experienced six decades sooner during the Great Depression. Then again these financial changes opened the entryways of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, for the biggest and quickest privatization on the planet. The huge endeavors were obtained by the old administrators, prompting criminal mafias and Western speculators, and at the base level there was swelling, joblessness, prostitution, and wrongdoing. Expense incomes had crumpled and Russia’s economy was additionally dove into the Financial emergencies in 1998. Russian Economy again recuperated in 1999, because of the expansion on the planet cost of oil and gas. (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, Russian Federation, para. 5) By 2000, Yeltsin gave his renunciation, and gave the rules of the administration to the Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin. The entire of the character of the Russian Industry was reliant on the joined endeavors from the different circles of economy. Russia didn't depend on the European powers yet jumped towards the improvement on its own endeavors, the different branches gained gigantic ground, which rose with exceptional speed particularly between the main upset and the war and made the Russian history specialists state, â€Å"We must desert the legend of backwardness and moderate development. † When the war was at its pinnacle the tzarist Russia had thrived to impressive degree; with respect to each one hundred square kilometers of land, Russia had, at the hour of war, 0. 4 kilometers of railways, Germany 11. 7, Austria-Hungary 7. (Trotsky, Peculiarities of Russia’s Development, Para. 17). The Financial Institutions had likewise evolved in Russia to actualize the development of Industrial Revolution yet the overwhelming ventures, for example, metal, coal and oil were all heavily influenced by outside account capital, which had made assistant and middle of the road arrangement of banks in Russia, and it was valid for light enterprises too. Different countries were holding 40 percent of the stock capital of Russia, yet in the main parts of industry this rate was a lot higher. The Russian business even impacted the social character of the Russian bourgeoisie and its political physiognomy and the centralization of the enterprises implied that there was no pecking order of transitional layers between the entrepreneur chiefs and the mainstream masses, however the responsibility for remote hands prompted un-strength. Every one of these components alongside the concentrated mistreatments of tzarism drove the Russian laborers towards the progressive contemplations. Russia at the attack of the twentieth century had a populace

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Biblia Essay Example For Students

Biblia Essay Durante 2500 anos, desde o incio da criao at Moiss, no havia nothing escrito. As mensagens de Deus eram transmitidas de pai para filho de modo oral. A partir de Moiss, Deus achou que period hora de documentar as mensagens e assim se iniciou o ciclo dos profetas escritores. 1. O Hebraico bblico um ramo da antiga lngua semita falada pelos hebreus e pelos nativos de Cana.2. uma lngua simples. A maior parte de suas palavras bsicas contm trs consoantes, tornando as sentenas hebraicas pequenas e objetivas.3. O hebraico torna a poesia do Antigo Testamento vvida, expressiva e bela (Idem) O salmo 23 composto por apenas 57 palavras em hebraico. O mesmo Salmo contm 107 palavras em portugusA linguagem hebraica foi cultivada como a mais sagrada lngua no mundo. Um esprito de devoo foi acariciado. No apenas foi ensinado aos estudantes o dever de orar, mas eles eram ensinados como orar, como se aproximar de seu Criador, como exercitar f nEle e como compreender e obedecer os ensinos de Seu Espirito. Intelectos santificados trouxeram da casa do tesouro de Deus coisas novas e velhas.4. O hebraico antigo considerado a lngua mais compreensvel para transmitir a mensagem de Deus atravs de Seus profetas, ao rhythm em que o Antigo Testamento foi escrito.II REIS 18:26 E 28| LNG UA JUDAICAISAAS 19:18| LNGUA DE CANA. A maior parte do Antigo Testamento foi escrita do hebraico antigo, enquanto umas poucas partes foram escritas em Aramaico. O aramaico, uma lngua relacionada muito de perto com o hebraico, time a lngua dos arameus, que viviam principalmente na Mesopotamia e na Sria.A) O uso da lngua aramaica no mundo1. Por ser uma lngua simples e fcil de se aprender, os babilnios e os Assrios, grandes potncias de seus dias adotaram-na. 2. Operating system persas que conquistaram babilnia adotaram o aramaico como lngua oficial do imprio. 3. Quando os judeus foram levados para Babilnia durante os 70 anos de cativeiro, tambm adotaram o aramaico em lugar do hebraico. 4. Ao beat em que Cristo esteve na Palestina, o aramaico period a lngua materna dos palestinos. A Bblia ainda time lida em hebraico no culto da sinagoga, ao rhythm de Cristo, mas muitas pessoas, especialmente as mulheres, no a podiam compreender. Tornou-se costumeiro, portanto, que os leitores das sinagogas traduzissem os versos bblicos para o aramaico. Mais tarde foram feitas tradues escritas do Antigo Testamento para o aramaico os chamados Targums. O hebraico falado tinha ficado obsoleto em grande medida nos beats pr-cristos. O aramaico foi mantido vivo continuamente como lngua falada at o presente, e ainda usado em certas partes do Oriente Prximo, onde conhecido como siraco.5. Em Jerusalm, mesmo risks dos grandes cativeiros, os mais estudados falavam aramaico fluentemente. Exemplo: Quando Rabsaqu, o emissrio do rei da Assria veio Jerusalm, os altos funcionrios de Ezequias pediram que eles falassem em aramaico para eles.(leia isto em II Reis 18:26)B) O uso do aramaico no texto sagrado1. A primeira vez que uma palavra aramaica usada na Bblia foi usada por Labo quando fez um pa cto de fidelidade com Jac. Para expressar o conceito: Monte de pedra de testemunho, Labo usou a palavra aramaica (Jegar-Sahadutha) e Jac usou a palavra hebraica (Galeed )2. Quando Daniel foi apresentado diante de Nabucodonozor para interpretar o sonho da grande esttua que representava a histria dos quatro grandes imprios, ele comeou a falar em aramaico no top. 2: 4 e continuou an escrever seu livro em aramaico at o top. 7:28. 3. Jesus fez uso continuamente do aramaico. PALAVRAS DE JESUS EM ARAMAICO | SIGNIFICADOTalata Cumi Marcos 5:41| Menina, a ti Te digo: levanta-teEli Eli Lam Sabactani MAR.15:34 | Deus meu, Deus meu porque me desamparaste?Desde os primrdios os israelitas davam muita ateno a questo da educao.Tanto na escola como no lar, muitos dos ensinos eram feitos de maneira oral, mas os jovens tambm aprendiam a ler os escritos hebraicos; e os rolos de pergaminhos das escrituras do Antigo Testamento eram abertos para seu estudo.III PARTE O GREGO DO NOVO TESTAMENTOQuando o 3 imprio mundial liderado por Alexandre, o grande, teve incio em 331 AC, a cultura e a lngua grega se espalharam pela maior parte da rea do Mediterrneo e do Oriente Mdio. 1. Um fato interessante que os romanos foram vencedores sobre os gregos, subjugaram os gregos, impuseram o domnio romano com mo de ferro, mas tiveram que engolir a lngua dos gregos. 2. O grego foi adotado no Imprio romano como a lngua all inclusive. Business morals issues in the film Boiler room EssayA concluso que cerca de 90% da populao mundial podem ler a Bblia em sua prpria lngua, idioma ou dialeto. C) Qual a melhor traduo em Portugus? difcil dizer qual a melhor traduo sem saber para que, ou qual o objetivo da pergunta. 1. Alguns dizem que a traduo Verso Almeida Revista e Corrigida a mais autntica e tem maior autoridade. Exemplos de alguns vocbulos usados pela Almeida Revista e Corrigida que no se usam mais hoje:Eira que quer dizer uma rea onde se malha o oat. (Rute 3:2) Pez que quer dizer betume. (Isaas 34:9) Rubicundo que quer dizer pessoa muito corada.(Cantares 5:10) Tamargueira que significa um Arbusto nativo da frica.(Jeremias 17:6) Sambuca que significa uma pequena harpa triangular. (Dan. 3:5) 2. Outros estudiosos dizem que a Verso Almeida Revista e Atualizada tem uma melhor linguagem. A linguagem foi muito melhorada, e no restam dvidas de que nesta reviso foram usados manuscritos gregos dos melhores, muito superiores aos .que an Almeida tinha sua frente para usar na traduo unique que fez.3. A Bblia na Linguagem de Hoje e a Bblia Viva que so parfrases, incorporam muitos dos conceitos e preconceitos de seus tradutores. So timas para estudo devocional. 4. As tradues que so mais fiis ao texto unique, so melhores para estudos doutrinrios. Em resumo, a melhor traduo aquela que atende a sua necessidade. Vi que Deus havia de uma maneira particular guardado a Bblia, ainda quando da mesma existiam poucos exemplares; e homens doutos nalguns casos mudaram as palavras, achando que an estavam tornando mais compreensvel, quando na realidade estavam mistificando aquilo que period claro, fazendo-as apoiar suas estabelecidas opinies, que eram determinadas pela tradio. Vi, porm, que a Palavra de Deus, como um todo, uma cadeia perfeita, prendendo-se uma parte outra, e explicando-se mutuamente. For example White, Primeiros Escritos pgs. 221 e 222. Nosso Salvador, atravs da inspirao proclama: Vi outro anjo voando pelo meio do Cu, tendo um evangelho eterno para pregar aos que se assentam sobre a land, e a cada nao, e tribo, e lngua, e povo. (Apc. 14:6)1. Desde a Torre de Babel, tem havido uma surpreendente multiplicao de lnguas no mundo todo. 2. Este fato um grande desafio para a proclamao do Evangelho eterno. 3. As lnguas tambm so dinmicas e esto em constantes mudanas. Isto mais um desafio. Uma menina pintou um quadro da fuga de Jesus ao Egito. Ela desenhou um avio com quatro cabeas aparecendo nas janelas. Que cabeas so estas, perguntou a divertida professora. Esta Maria. Esta outra o pequeno Jesus. E este Jos. Respondeu a pequena desenhista. E quem est na cabine, perguntou a professora. Ok, este Pncio, o Piloto!Veja como est histria destaca a necessidade de tradues corretas das Escrituras Sagradas. B) O conselho de Paulo : Voc deve manejar bem a Palavra da Verdade. 1. Isto mostra que devemos buscar o melhor que pudermos em termos de estudo, pesquisa, tradues, sections and so on. Na publicao de A CINCIA DO BOM VIVER, em 1905, Ellen White usou oito textos da verso English Revised Version e 55 da American Revised Version. W.C. White, escreveu: Quando o oitavo volume de Testemonies for the Church foi publicado e pareceu desejvel fazer algumas citaes mais longas dos Salmos, foi dito irm White que a Revised Version dos Salmos time prefervel. Ela levou muito a srio esse conselho e nos instruiu a usar a Revised Version Ministry, Abril de 1947. Cremos que em nossa Ptria, estamos muito bem servidos de tradues, diversas sections e parfrases que nos ajudam a pesquisar melhor a Palavra de Deus e aplic-la para nosso crescimento espiritual. Como as fontes variam em qualidade e exatido. List of sources:

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Avoiding Payday Loans How to Deal With a Bounced Paycheck

Avoiding Payday Loans How to Deal With a Bounced Paycheck Avoiding Payday Loans: How to Deal With a Bounced Paycheck Avoiding Payday Loans: How to Deal With a Bounced PaycheckCan a paycheck bounce? Unfortunately, yep. It does happen.If your paycheck bounces or your employer is late with a payment, it can mean financial disaster. Here are the steps you can take to fix the situation, as well as savings strategies to make sure you have the funds to make it through.If you’re one of the millions living paycheck-to-paycheck, then what would you do if your next paycheck happened to, well, just not show up. Or worse, it does show up, but when you go to cash it, you get the four worst words in the English language: “Transaction Failed, Insufficient Funds.”What are you going to do now? Do you have enough money in your savings account to deal with a delayed paycheck?If you don’t know the answers to these questions, don’t worry. There’s no need for you to run over to your local payday lender and take out a short-term, high-interest loan that’ll put you in an even deeper financial hole.Instead, ju st keep reading.1. Talk to your employerNothing shakes your faith in the American enterprise system like a bounced paycheck,” says Howard Dvorkin (@HowardDvorkin), CPA and Chairman of (@debtcom).“It happens most often in small businesses, and many times, it’s not only unintentional, the employer is rightfully embarrassed as hell.”Dvorkin says that your first step should be to “call your employer and politely inquire. You just might get a horrified apology because someone forgot to do something important.”According to Roslyn Lash (@RosLash), an Accredited Financial Counselor and the founder of Youth Smart Financial Education Services, you should want to “make sure that the money wasnt incorrectly transferred or some type of computer glitch.”“Therefore,” she says, “you need to call your employer and explain the situation and inquire about a reissue date.”2. Start a Paper TrailIf your bounced paycheck does turn out to be a simple error, then you’ll pr obably be fine. But if it’s something elseâ€"if your employer is maybe up to somethingâ€"then you’re going to need documentation. You’ll need to not only document your lack of a paycheck, but your efforts to resolve the issue.“If you contact your employer and you get an attitude, start a paper trail,” says Dvorkin. “Get a copy of the returned check, and keep copies showing if you had to pay overdraft fees.”According to Lash, when people with a bounced paycheck contact their employer, they should “be sure to document the name, location of the representative that they speak with. This will be the beginning of the paper trail,” she says. “From this point forward, every conversation and everything and I mean everything should be documented.”3. Call Your BankMost people plan their bill payments around their paycheck. But when a paycheck bounces, that plan has got to change.Contact your bank to have all drafted automatic payments from your account canceled.” says L ash.   “Explain the situation to the bank representative and request proof that your paycheck was not deposited into your account.”“Any documentation that they can provide proofing that the employer had insufficient funds or that the check bounced would be helpful,” she says.Lash also recommends that “if you have an emergency savings, transfer some funds into this account to cover any outstanding bills.”“Ask your lender if there are any provisions made for NSF fees that you may incur,” she says.4. Contact your creditorsPeople tend to think that lenders are totally inflexible when it comes to your payments. And while it’s true that most lenders aren’t pushovers, and they don’t like it when people are constantly calling in about insufficient funds, they do understand that (and this a very technical banking term) “stuff happens.” The same goes for utility companies.Lash says that you should call your lenders and “Advise them of the situation and request a pa yment date change.”“Explain that you expect to be paid by date (whatever date that the employer advised you) but you will keep them abreast of any changes.”If you have already incurred a delinquent fee, she adds, “request a courtesy removal.”5. If you need to, then lawyer upIn cases where you aren’t able to get the situation resolved immediately, then you’re probably going to need an attorney. (Also: a new job.)Lawyers can be expensive. For someone with a low-income, especially someone who’s now not even receiving that income, a traditional lawyer might be out of the price range.This is is why both Lash and Dvorkin recommends contacting your local Legal Aid office. If you qualify for free legal aid, they should be able to set you up with a lawyer.“Meanwhile, if you want to get your employer’s attention, report him to the Department of Labor in your state,” says Dvorkin. “There are laws about these things, and you can file a complaint.”Try These Savings Stra tegiesOf course, if you aren’t able to get your paycheck issue resolved quickly, then you’re still going to need money. Even if you are able to find another job, it’ll probably be a few weeks before your paid. In the meantime, how are you gonna eat?This is where a payday loan might start looking like a pretty good option. But stay away. The extremely high APRs and the short repayment terms can all too easily lead to you rolling the loan over instead of paying it off on time. That’s how the dangerous cycle of debt begins.Instead, the best way to manage this situation is to have money in your savings. This way, you can bridge the gap without having to pay any additional fees or interest.Saving money does take some extra work and disciplineâ€"especially if you’re someone with a low-income, but there are definitely ways you can make it work.Kendal Perez (@HassleFreeSaver)is the Savings Expert for (@CouponSherpa). Here are some of her tips for building your sav ingsHack your recurring expenses: “The most effective way to build your savings or emergency fund is to reduce your monthly payments and direct the difference to your savings accounts. Its a good idea to regularly review these expenses anyway to ensure youre not overpaying. Good candidates for review include cable TV and internet bills, mobile plans, auto insurance policies, and subscriptions. You can opt to swap your cable TV for a Netflix and/or Hulu subscription; decrease your data plan based on usage; increase the deductible on your auto insurance policies to drop your monthly premium, and review the subscriptions you pay for and start making cuts. You can also use a service called Trim to review and cancel unused subscriptions on your behalf.”Limit your splurges: “If youre prone to buying coffee or dining out for lunch each week, start cutting back on these treats and deposit what you save into your emergency fund. Cutting out these purchases entirely may lead to burnout, so select a day or two during the week or month to treat yourself. Limiting your splurges to Fridays and paydays only, for example, strikes a nice balance between enjoying your money now and saving for the future.”Automate your savings: “Paying yourself first means placing a priority on your financial wellness and security. This can be accomplished by setting up an automatic transfer of funds between checking and savings every time you receive a paycheck, or at any increment you choose. You can also use a tool like Digit which reviews your daily spending and makes small, incremental transfers from your checking to an online, FDIC-insured account.”Sell your stuff: “While reducing your spending and saving money is an important part of building an emergency fund, so too is adding to your income. Tis the season to spring clean and declutter, so consider selling your stuff at a garage sale, or through Craigslist or Facebook community groups, and deposit your profits into savings .”Attempt a no-spend challenge: “The more adventurous savers can try a no-spend challenge, whereby you try to purchase nothing for a certain period of time (one week, one month or even one year). The money you save by limiting your spending can go toward building your emergency fund.”Hopefully, you will never have to deal with a bounced paycheck. But if you do, follow these steps and you’ll weather the storm just fine.Have your own tips for dealing with bounced paycheck (and avoiding dangerous payday or bad credit loans)? Let us know! You can find us on Twitter at  @OppLoans.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsHoward S. Dvorkin  (@HowardDvorkin)    is a  two-time author, personal finance expert, community service champion and Chairman of  (@debtcom). As  one of the most highly regarded debt and credit expert in the United States and has played an instrumental role in drafting both State and Federal Legislation.  Howard’s latest boo k “Power Up: Taking Charge of Your Financial Destiny” provides consumers with the detailed tools that they need to live debt free and regain their financial freedom. Howard has appeared as a finance expert on CBS Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight, The Early Show, Fox News, and CNN.Roslyn Lash  (@RosLash) is an Accredited Financial Counselor and the founder of Youth Smart Financial Education Services.  She specializes in youth financial education, adult coaching and works virtually with adults helping them navigate through their personal finances i.e. budgeting, debt, and credit repair.  Her advice has been featured in national publications such as USA Today, TIME, Huffington Post, NASDAQ, Los Angeles Times, and a host of other media outlets.Kendal Perez is the Savings Expert for  (@CouponSherpa), a popular source for online, in-store and grocery coupons. Her money-saving tips are often featured on Bankrate, GOBankingRates, US News World Report, Wisebread a nd more. Kendal can be found on Twitter  @HassleFreeSaver.

Friday, May 22, 2020

My Life Of A Cab Calloway - 1837 Words

Cab Calloway was born in Rochester, New York, on Christmas Day in 1907. The family relocated to Baltimore, Maryland. His mother, Martha Eulalia Reed, was a Morgan State College graduate, teacher and church organist. His father, Cabell Calloway, Jr., was a graduate of Lincoln University of Pennsylvania in 1898 and worked as a lawyer and in real estate Cab Calloway spent his adolescent years growing up in West Baltimore s Sugar Hill, considered the political, cultural, and business hub of black society. There he grew up comfortably in a middle-class household. Early on, his parents recognized their son s musical talent and he began private voice lessons in 1922. He continued to study music and voice throughout his formal schooling. Despite his parents and teachers disapproval of jazz, Calloway began frequenting and performing in many of Baltimore s nightclubs. As a result, he came into contact with many of the local jazz luminaries of the time. He counted among his early mentors drummer Chick Webb and pianist Johnny Jones. After his graduation from Frederick Douglass High School,Calloway joined his older sister, Blanche, in a touring production of the popular black musical revue, Plantation Days.(Blanche Calloway became an accomplished bandleader before her brother did, and he would often credit her as his inspiration for enterin g show business.) His parents had hopes of their son becoming an attorney following after his father, so Calloway enrolled at Crane College inShow MoreRelatedThe Swing Era1664 Words   |  7 Pages My audience was my life. What I did and how I did it, was all for my audience, these words came from the well known and never forgotten Cab Calloway. His style and mix of blues, swing and scat spread like wildfire and filled many peoples lives with joy, excitement and happiness. Cab Calloway broke the boundaries of racial barriers and become a very popular and influential household name. 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Some songs played include: â€Å"Tightrope†, â€Å"Complimentary Opposites†, and â€Å"Tilted† among others. The style of jazz being played was quite unusual sounding to my western-trained ears and is the subgenre of jazz known as contemporary. Dissonance was used generously as well as complex and constantly changing rhythms; a k ey was very difficult to locate and the timbre varies greatly from rough and harsh to softRead MoreMusic Experience At The Miami University Jazz Essay1446 Words   |  6 Pagesphenomenon I observed when I attended the Miami University Jazz Ensemble’s concert for my ethnographic research. This phenomenon is evident in the way the musicians interacted with one another and their audience, the demographic of the audience, and the manner in which the show flowed. 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But at the age of ten or so, an English teacher introduced him to music, which lead him to joining the school band. 5 He 3 Alyn Shipton, Groovin High: The life of Dizzy Gillespie, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999Read More Dizzy Gelespie (John Birks Gillespie) Essay2954 Words   |  12 Pagessounded like one of his influences, Roy Elridge (Kerfeld, 428). Playing with Hills band Gillespie traveled throughout Europe. Once he returned to New York Gillespie got his first big gig, as a trumpeter in Cab Calloways band. During 1939, a time still unequal for blacks and whites, Cab Calloway. had the highest paying black band around town (Gleason, 151). Gillespie on several occasions got together with Charlie Parker to write and jam around on a few songs. In after hour sessions, the to soonRead MoreEssay about Rap And Censorship2102 Words   |  9 Pages The beginnings of rap are believed to based on African rhythms which were used as a form of communication by the native peoples. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Descriptive Personal Experience Essay - 754 Words

As I got on the plane I was not able to handle all of my excitement. I would be having a new adventure in Italy. It would take about 12 hours to arrive. During that time I would be sleeping, looking for fun tourist attractions, and sleeping some more. The plane finally landed just a few minutes ago on Central Italy and now I await my taxi. Once the taxi arrived and took me to my hotel I decided to go sightseeing. As I was driving to the Orvieto Cathedral I got lost. Without reception for my phone I decided to ask a woman near by. As I approached her she looked very well built and strong. As I neared her I noticed that she was also holding a child. I then asked, â€Å"Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Orvieto Cathedral from†¦show more content†¦I then asked what year it was. â€Å"523 BC,† she replied. I then stood in amazement for several minutes trying to comprehend how this is at all possible. Breaking the silence, she asked, â€Å"What year do you think it is?† I told her it was 2017. She looked at me in the most puzzled way after my response. â€Å"That s impossible,† she remarked, â€Å"we just barely conquered all of Rome.† â€Å"No, that s impossible, you conquered Rome thousands of years ago,† I remarked. Mala then look at me as if I were lying to her. Trying to prove to me she was correct she told me of all their discoveries and recent accomplishments. â€Å"My people have recently taken over Rome, built drains, made tunnels that take away excess water, and we have paved streets with brick houses. Not to mention that we have lances, axes, swords, and daggers in bronze,† â€Å"Well, my people have many great discoveries and accomplishments too.† I then proceeded to tell her of basic things like electricity, cement, and flowing tap water. I feared that if I told her anything more about things such as planes and iPhones she might freak out. Once I finished she told me that I was lying and that no such things would ever exist now, but only in the future. That s when she made the connection that I was from the â€Å"future.† However, really, I was in the present and she was inShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Personal Experience Essay1444 Words   |  6 PagesSo, there I sat, seat G4 on the train headed to nowhere. I didn’t have a destination; I never really did. I guess that’s just the type of person I was, someone who just hopped on a train for the ride. I always liked trains. I don’t know what it was about them, but for some reason or another, I always found myself lounging in the same spot drinking hot cocoa. People always said that hot chocolate â€Å"was only for kids† but I never got that; I had a pretty strong distaste for coffee. Honestly, I hateRead MoreDescriptive Personal Experience Essay877 Words   |  4 Pagesstarted to notice the difference in my behavior and they would always tell me that I was acting differently. 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The author is allowed more artistic freedom when writing in descriptive form. While both descriptive and narrative essays are similar in many ways, the descriptive essays use of language fully immers es the reader intoRead MoreLangston Hughes Salvation, a Response1137 Words   |  5 PagesSCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ENGLISH VII â€Å"Descriptive Essay† TEACHER: Angà ©lica Marà ­a Là ³pez Portillo GROUP MEMBERS: GROUP B2 CYCLE: 01/2011 University City, Tuesday, April 5th 2011. Descriptive Essay Concept. A descriptive essay is a type of essay strives to create a deeply involved and vivid experience for the reader of the item being described. It is often creative, personal. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Developing Good Business Sense Free Essays

Choose three companies and observe how employees do their tasks. These can be three different fast-food restaurants or three entirely different types of companies, such as a fast-food restaurant, a department store, or the emergency room of a hospital. In doing this research paper I was able to observe businesses in three different fields. We will write a custom essay sample on Developing Good Business Sense or any similar topic only for you Order Now I observed an Electronics Store where the employees were paid on commission, a clothing store that paid their employees an hourly salary and a shipping company that paid its employees an hourly salary. While visiting the electronics store that paid their employees a commission salary based on their sales, I noticed that the employees were extremely polite and helpful. I was greeted by a lady as soon as I walked in the building. She welcomed me by informing me that they were happy to have me in and they were readily available to assist me with any questions I had. I also noticed that the employees in this company were very knowledgeable and took pride in their appearance as well as the appearance of their store. They were also very aggressive in their efforts to convince me to buy something. The second establishment I observed was a clothing store that paid their employees an hourly salary. While in this store I noticed that the staff was not as strong with the level of their customer service. They had a greeter at the door that was responsible for greeting customers as they entered the building. The store had a more laid back atmosphere to it and the employees were more focused on folding clothes and packing the shelves instead of assisting the customers and providing customer service. The third business that I established was a shipping company that pays its employees an hourly salary. The employees in this business were focused on providing excellent customer service while processing transactions in a speedy manner. The employee that greeted me was very polite but she was also trying to service me in a speedy manner so she could move on to the customer waiting in line. I was pleased with her service because she remained polite and she was very knowledgeable which made it easy for her to answer all my questions. Think about the differences in the operations involved in the input, operations, and output stages of these companies. Try to identify the nature of their operating systems. Are employees organized in different ways? If so, why? If possible, talk to the managers and employees in these operations to further your analysis. Based on my observations of the three businesses I used for this research paper I was able to generate three different theories about their operations and how their employees are organized. The electronics store that pays their employees a commission salary has a specific culture that is determined by their pay structure. After speaking to the store manager I discovered that the company strives to create an incentive based culture where employees are rewarded based on their sales. The company uses these sales incentives to motivate their staff in every manner for example. After an employee is hired they are taught that their sales and commission are directly affected by their knowledge level, their level of customer service and the look and appearance of their store among other things. The company informs the employees that they can make more money by being knowledgeable and focusing on customer service because knowledge and customer service builds credibility and trust with customers which leads to customer loyalty and repeat business. They are also taught that the appearance of their store directly impacts the customer and their commission because if the store looks good, the customers will be comfortable and more likely to buy (Smith, 2010). After observing the employees and speaking to supervisors in the clothing store with the hourly employees I found out that the company focuses on motivating the staff through consistent recognition and high accountable. When an employee is hired, the managers discuss the company policies and standards while setting expectations with the employee. The manager then spends a majority of their time teaching the employees how to work effectively. After training the employees, the managers put themselves in positions to observe the staff members so they are able to provide feedback. They make every effort to catch the good behaviors so they can provide recognition and boost the employee’s morale but they are also willing to provide developmental feedback when necessary. The manager informed me that this approach works for their company because it creates a fun and positive environment and the employees know they will always be treated fairly (Thomas, 2010). The shipping company had a completely different manner of operation because of the business they were in. The manager informed me that their company is more focused on working fast and efficient. The company’s goal is to deliver packages before deadlines and they train their employees to execute all their operations in the same manner. The company gives the employees goals and deadlines for every aspect of their job. For example, they have a specific time that they have to report to work, stock the delivery truck, inspect the truck and deliver packages. The company makes everything time bound and the employees are expected to do as much as they can with as little as possible (Holmes, 2010). How to cite Developing Good Business Sense, Essay examples Developing Good Business Sense Free Essays Developing Good Business Sense Axia College of University of Phoenix BUS 210 Developing Good Business Sense June 29, 2008 The three companies I selected for this assignment are McDonalds, Bose Corporation and Motorola. From the reading I was able to determine the employee’s organizational structure within this company’s by which they complete their jobs. I will review and outline the main kinds of Operations and Materials Management (OMM) processes these companies use, and how it affects their operations. We will write a custom essay sample on Developing Good Business Sense or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, I will discuss how companies design their operating systems to give them a competitive advantage. I will identify which components of operations and materials management costs and the methods companies use to reduce them. McDonald’s is a highly successful and well recognized brand leader of fast food restaurants located around the world. They sell hamburgers and french fries as their primary products, and they work with many different food suppliers such as hamburger bun manufacturers, beef producers, produce suppliers and many others, to ensure their foods are as fresh as possible. McDonald’s sells franchise rights to local owner/operators which allow them to keep costs low and avoid high capital and plant investment costs. Since a great deal of McDonald’s service is reliant on delivering customer’s food fresh, McDonald’s use the Just in Time (JIT) inventory management system. This system reviews stock inventory levels available against product usage, and arranges delivery and restocking to the restaurants just as inventory items are needed. This allows inventory to be kept to a minimum in each franchise location. Foods for the restaurants are not warehoused for days or weeks, and are efficiently managed under this system so they are used quickly and, freshness is guaranteed. Each franchise owner keeps labor costs down by managing store staff schedules against the peak customer periods when the restaurant gets busy. Another technique McDonald’s uses to keep distribution costs low, is to have soft drink company’s ship only the soda syrup mix needed for each brand, which is then mixed with carbonated water at the soda fountain in the store. McDonalds has also begun to employ the use of robotics to complete routine, repetitive tasks such as filling soda orders for the drive through window and dumping fries into the fry maker, as a means of making their food quicker and less expensively. Over time the return on investment for these developments will pay off greatly in saved labor costs. Of course, the most important element in any McDonald’s restaurants is that employees must be organized and communicate effectively. Wasted food equates to wasted money and if a special order is needed, staff must talk to each other to make sure it is done right the first time. By working together as a team the cooks, preparation staff, and cashiers help to keeps the orders organized and production is kept high. The Bose Corporation is a world renowned manufacturer of high-fidelity speakers and audio equipment. The company’s ability to meet customer demand for their products is dependant on the supply chain and availability of components needed to complete customer orders. The company uses a supply chain network that is spread across the globe, with their primary source of over 50% of purchased components coming from the Far East. Logistics managers within the company bear the responsibility of moving the vast amounts of equipment into production, based on a real-time inventory management system called â€Å"ProterLink†. This system is able to locate supplies that are needed anywhere in the shipping chain, and divert them if necessary to meet an accelerated production schedule if necessary. This operational system gives Bose the advantage of meeting large customer’s orders without missing a beat. Transportation costs associated with material movement and management from suppliers to their Bose’ production facility would be a key cost consideration for the company. If supplies needed to fill orders are transported efficiently and are timed to correspond to production schedules, costs would be lower because unnecessary components would not take valuable inventory space away from items that are in need to complete orders, thereby maximizing production effectiveness. Motorola, a global communications leader, is using a unique forward thinking production plan to bring their services and products to market. In their self-named, â€Å"factory of the future†, custom made communication devices can be produced very quickly for customers, giving Motorola a competitive advantage. The process starts with sales person who receives the order and inputs all of the customer’s customization preferences. This information is provided as a barcode and relayed to the production facility, which uses automation technology (robots) to produce the phone in accordance with the customer’s wishes. Using robots gives Motorola a competitive advantage because they are able to mass produce large volumes of customized phones, with only a two-hour turnaround window. The universal operational strategy in any business is to meet the goal of customer satisfaction. The company’s reviewed accomplish that goal through improving quality and efficiency, and ultimately reducing costs. [pic] How to cite Developing Good Business Sense, Papers Developing Good Business Sense Free Essays Developing Good Business Sense Jennifer Lapaix BUS/210 February 28, 2010 Joanna Gierak The most over looked functions in any successful company is the Operations and Materials Management, commonly referred to as OMM activities. Operations are the functions or services that convert the input to a company into finished products and services. Materials management is the process that resources into and out of the operating system. We will write a custom essay sample on Developing Good Business Sense or any similar topic only for you Order Now To develop a good business sense you must understand how operations and materials management differ in various types of companies. The three companies I have chosen to examine are part of different industries, but Microsoft, In-N-Out Burger, and Dillard’s all share the success of a good business sense. Microsoft’s employees are selectively chosen and are programmed with prior advanced knowledge of software creation. They are expected to be pioneering and proficient with the software they create. Microsoft strives to bring user-friendly and efficient software to its customers and can only do so with employees who are team-oriented and motivated to challenge the competition (Microsoft, 2010). Microsoft’s operating system is complex but revolves around a simple idea of staying ahead of the curve in software production. The company maintains a high competitive edge over competition by supplying operating systems to almost all PC’s. The company has also branched into game console sales and will soon open individual retail locations. The downside to monopolizing the software industry and driving out competition due to incompatibility with other providers is the amount of capital spent on lawsuits and government fines. Microsoft’s reputation in the computer world may be tarnished by overly competitive operating system (Microsoft, 2010). Microsoft’s OMM costs include high salaries due to the very advanced and experienced nature of their employees. Employees are teamed and given specific goals to reach. With a challenging, but loosely controlled atmosphere, Microsoft gives its employees the room and materials to create groundbreaking software at a calm but rapid pace. Other, less expensive costs might include suppliers for equipment. Because so much of our technological items are imported, Microsoft can instead place production costs into advertising and distribution. E-commerce has further lowered the cost of distribution for Microsoft, who can now sell full operating systems and software over the Internet without the need for packaging expenses (Microsoft, 2010). In-N-Out Burger, established in 1948, is a fast-food hamburger and fries restaurant that specializes in personalized and extremely efficient service. The business philosophy is simple: â€Å"Give customers the freshest, highest quality foods you can buy and provide them with friendly service in a sparkling clean environment. † (In-N-Out History, 2010, para. 2) Employees of In-N-Out Burger can be trained from scratch, are energetic, customer service oriented, and expected to deliver high quality food. Employees are polite and friendly at all times and maintain a clean environment in the entire restaurant thus following in the founder’s business philosophy. The nature of In-N-Out Burger’s operating system is one of quality, since its inception in 1948 the menu and recipes have not changed. While other fast food restaurants use processed food or frozen food, In-N-Out Burger makes everything the old fashioned way. Also, another signature key to all In-N-Out stores is windows all around showing employees cutting vegetables for the burgers and potatoes for the fries right in front of the customers. In-N-Out’s menu only consists of burgers and fries, nothing more because the quality is so fresh and good that customers come back time and time again keeping the stores packed all day long. In-N-Out Burger’s OMM costs include mostly food and salary. Employees at In-N-Out burger, unlike other fast food chains, have a low churn rate and are paid above the industry average with full benefit packages. Employees are extremely team-oriented. As opposed to working in smaller groups, all employees on the clock are considered one team, relying on one another to eet In-N-out Burger’s reputation for rapid service and correct, quality orders. By using this type of one-mind employee organization, the restaurant runs smoothly and more efficiently from all angles even when in a small, enclosed environment. The training systems used are vigorous and motivational with a substantial amount of time and attention given to newly hired individuals. Since all branches are franchised, advertising expenses are much lower and help a franchisee to build his or her branch without becoming overwhelmed (In-N-Out Burger, 2010). Dillard’s, one of the leading high-end retail chains in the nation, specializes in exemplary customer service and brand name clothing. Dillard’s employees are extremely professional and sales-oriented. They are expected to dress cleanly and attractively to further the reputation of the company. Service at Dillard’s is top of the line and employees must be knowledgeable in their area. They must have a friendly, but not overpowering demeanor (Dillard’s, 2010). Dillard’s functions with an operating system designed for high-end customer service and fashion. Their success and reputation since 1938 has given them a competitive edge over newer high-end retail outlets. With a history of intelligently acquisitions, Dillard’s has expanded its presence across the United States rapidly. Catalogue sales and credit card options have also furthered the company’s competitive edge (Dillard’s, 2010). The OMM costs of Dillard’s are almost exclusively inventory costs and salaries. Though their clothing is marked up for consumers and can be purchased at low mass costs, such large quantities of clothing still amount for a good portion of spending. Employees at Dillard’s are given higher than average pay and extremely competitive benefits. Many of the employees are sales-driven with high commissions available to the best sales-people. The company prefers to hire individuals who have past retail or sales experience, and a flair for professional style. Similar to Microsoft, Dillard’s has also benefited in lower distribution costs due to E-commerce (Dillard’s, 2010). Employees are the backbone of these successful business and their operating systems are very dependant and focused on them. Even though they are yet again similar, these companies have very different ways of organizing their employees to improve profit and reputation. Because of the dramatic difference in industries and services offered, these companies have varying operating and materials management (OMM) costs. Costs such as those mentioned above effect a company’s overall profit. In order to deflate the OMM costs, companies like Microsoft, who are spending large percentages of capital on salary and benefits, may look to lowering production and distribution costs. Since software is easily downloaded from the Internet, Microsoft drives Internet sales to avoid packaging and delivery of their software. Other ways that Microsoft has cut down on employee expenses is outsourcing. Technical support is handled by cheap labor in other countries while software creators, who are highly paid and demanded, remain in the United States. Customer service may decline due to language barriers. The weight between savings and reputation must be carefully weighed in order to sustain a semblance of service with the customer base (Microsoft, 2010). In-N-out Burger cuts costs by using distribution centers that are nearby and even sometimes in the same city. By not purchasing foods that too far away, In-N-out Burger is able to hold a standard of quality food for customers but also can keep food fresh longer, reducing the amount of spoiled surplus and dissatisfied customers (In-N-Out burger, 2010). Dillard’s may cut OMM expenditures by under-ordering clothing. The high-end nature of the business means that sales can be slow and therefore clothing must be sold, once out of season, to other retailers at lower costs. Although selling the clothes gets back a portion of the initial costs, selling at the mark-up price is more advantageous (Dillard’s, 2010). References In-N-Out Burger. (2010). History. Retrieved March 1, 2010, from http://www. in-n-out. com/history. asp In-N-Out Burger. (2010). Employment Restaurant. Retrieved March 1, 2010, from http://www. in-n-out. com/employment_restaurant. asp Wikipedia. (2010). Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved March 1, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Microsoft Dillard’s. (2009). Career Options. Retrieved March 1, 2010, from http://www. dillards. com/sec/SecHeaderServlet? secflag=c How to cite Developing Good Business Sense, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Osteopathic Medicine and its View of Human Nature Essay Sample free essay sample

Introduction Osteopathic Medicine is a categorization of wellness attention that is presently being practiced by Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine ( D. O. ) . Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine along with allopathic doctors ( M. D. ) are the lone doctors that are wholly trained and licensed. authorized to urge medicine and transport out surgery. Osteopathic Medicine is a system of medical attention that is theoretically taken to be a sub-category of â€Å"Alternative Medicine† . It was founded on the theory that turbulency in the musculoskeletal system influences other parts of our organic structure. which in bend causes many confusions that can be corrected by a assortment of commanding techniques in combination with other curative processs. In wide footings. osteopathic medical specialty. â€Å"is one of the fastest turning healthcare professions in the U. S. and brings a alone doctrine to traditional medical specialty. With a strong accent on the inter-relationship of the body’s nerv ousnesss. musculuss. castanetss and variety meats. We will write a custom essay sample on Osteopathic Medicine and its View of Human Nature Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page physicians of osteopathic medical specialty. or D. O. s. use the doctrine of handling the whole individual to the bar. diagnosing and intervention of unwellness. disease and injury† ( About Osteopathic Medicine. 2003 ) . This field of medical specialty was foremost introduced by a really celebrated doctor by the name of Andrew Taylor Still. who introduced this field of medical specialty as a complete rejection of the old system of medical idea that continued since the 19Thursdaycentury. Osteopahtic medical specialty has now become so popular that it has made its manner so near to mainstream medical specialty that it is by and large no longer considered to be an alternate medical specialty. Basically the name â€Å"Osteopathy† was thought of by Dr. Still as a means to take attention of patients holistically. which means that it would look at patients with all features of wellness such as head. organic structure. and spirit. It is a medical field. which fundamentally focuses on happening the beginning of jobs alternatively of handling indicants. The conventional osteopath realizes that the organic structure has an natural capacity to bring around itself and works to grok. both pedagogically and perceptually. the manner the organic structure works non merely when it is in a normal province. but besides the manner it functions when it is in a morbid province to organize with wellness and help the patient to mend. It is said that. â€Å"Osteopathic medical specialty provides all of the benefits of modern medical specialty including prescription drugs. surgery. and the usage of engineering to name disease and evaluate hurt. It besides offers the added benefit of hands-on diagnosing and intervention through a system of therapy known as osteopathic manipulative medicine† ( Osteopathic Medicine. 2007 ) . What is more is that this field and subject of medical specialty emphasiss on assisting each individual attain a high degree of goodness by focus oning on wellness instruction. hurt turning away and disease bar. The basic drawback of osteopathic medical specialty is that the osteopathic limelight is that all of the distinguishable variety meats are interconnected. It is believed that one organ can non be treated without impacting another organ. This means that for a individual intervention the patient would hold to be examined with consideration to the environment. background. household and general state of affairs he/she goes through everyday and so it comes down to analyze his/her organic structure. Decision In the visible radiation of the above treatment we can hereby climax that even though osteopathic medical specialty is comparatively new. but it is still deriving popularity and is a secure and natural progress towards health care. Peoples of all ages can do usage of osteopathic medical specialty. runing from new born babes to the aged. Bibliography About Osteopathic Medicine. ( 2003 ) .American Osteopathic Association.2003. Pp. 1. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. osteopathic. org/index. cfm? PageID=ost_main Osteopathic Medicine. ( 2007 ) .AACOM.2007. Pp. 1. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aacom. org/om. hypertext markup language